
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

How lovely art thou branches.

Yesterday, the four of us went Christmas tree shopping. There is a place that we try to get to every year. Prairie Elf Christmas Trees is located SouthWest of Lawrence. It's a fun family experience. We take a ride out to the trees from the parking area/warming hut.
We brought a blanket to keep warm on the ride. They do have several on the hay bales, too. Walk around and look at the different trees. The girls looked for snowballs in the trees (yes, they actually found them in trees!) Once you find the perfect tree, you can cut it yourself or have one of the guys cut it for you. We will cut ours next week.
We picked this one and tagged it. Next weekend, after I make room in the sunroom, we will go and cut it down, bring it home and start decorating. It's not as tall as past trees. Which, being the one who climbs the ladder to put the lights and star on top, am not complaining.
The warming hut has warm cider, cookies and popcorn while warming up. They have cute/simple crafts for the kids to make which is free. They have beautiful wreaths for sale, too.


  1. Hi all in KS,
    Looks like you are in the holiday spirit.
    Can't wait to see the tree decorated.

    Love, Aunt Maureen

  2. We brought the tree home today. The girls had a four hour rehearsal today (and tomorrow) and then Tony's friend shot a deer and he had to go help... I'm hoping Sunday or Monday evening we can start.

    How are you holding up? How are the parents to be holding up? It's one thing to arrive early, but this waiting game... aaarrrggh!
    The good thing: it WILL happen! LOL


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